Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lessons Worth Sharing- TED Ed- Flipping your lessons!

URL:  http://ed.ted.com/
Cost: FREE
Rating by Jules~ 4 Stars (some technical difficulty with IE9- Chrome it works perfectly)
Difficulty Level:  Intermediate
Device:  PC
Browser recommendation:  Chrome
Rated:  For Upper Level Students 5th-12th
Check out this lesson I flipped on Sacajawea

When you hear Ted Ed most teachers think about the inspirational talk on Ted Talks. This website is somewhat related to the Ted Talks, but it is specially designed for the Teacher "Flipping the Classroom". During the Summer of 2013, I taught our High School teachers how to use this site.  You can virtually flip any video that is on Youtube, add questions for your students to answer and assuming your students have logins, you receive their results in your TED-Ed. teacher portal.  Students only need a login if you want to track their results.  I truly believe that this is a super resource for supplemental teaching. Check out the video that I flipped on Sacajawea.  This site is very user friendly and has recommendations for the best flips that have already been made (with questions already created) by other teachers that you can quickly use.  Have Fun! 

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