Friday, February 21, 2014

Digitally Scanned Newspapers dating back to the 1800's


Website:  Google News- Super Sweet!
Cost:  FREE
Rating by Jules~ 5 Star

Difficulty Level:  Beginner
Device:  Across Platform
Rated:  Everyone
Oh my goodness!  This site is so cool!  First, I visited thinking I would only see big time newspapers (NY Times, etc) but I was pleasantly surprised when I did a search with my maiden name.  I grew up in a small town in northern Michigan and participated in many sporting events that were often in the small hometown newspaper.  To my surprise, most of the articles are all now digitally saved.  They came up and it was so much fun to re-read my successes from high school.  I scanned more of the papers on the page and found some of the papers are even digitally saved from the 1800's.  This is such a neat resource and can be used in so many ways~I just had to share! 

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