Website: GameGOO
Cost: FREE
Device: PC- Java Based
Rated: PreK-4th
Stick with you Educational Games that help develop early reading skills. This is a great resource for the wee ones just beginning in language and reading development. The games are developed by Houghton Mifflin Company and associated with earobics (An award-winning software that provides individualized instruction in critical areas of reading). I would download a shortcut to your desktop for easy access.

App: You Tube Kids
Cost: Free for iOS and Android
Cost: Free for iOS and Android
Age appropriate videos
Level- Pre K -3rd grade
Finally, youtube has created a safe place for kids to explore. All videos are kid appropriate. It has a link to tv shows for kids, a kids radio and an educational/learning link. This will put parents minds at ease know their kids won't be coming across inappropriate videos. This is also a great because it gives the parents the option to set a timer on how long children can use the app.
iPad App: My Backpack
Designer: Waterford
Cost: FREE
Level- Pre K -2nd grade
Great find of a free educational app made by the Waterford Institute. We currently run the Waterford paid subscription for the PC in our K-2 building and the children really enjoy playing and learning on this software. Features include:
4 Mental Math Games- Interactive addition and subtraction
5 Nursery Rhyme Read Alongs
35 Songs
16 Traditional Tales
No in App Purchases! Great!
Cost of App: Free
(School have to have subscription to Renaissance Learning)
(School have to have subscription to Renaissance Learning)
Rating by Jules: 5 star
Difficulty Level: Easy
Device: iPad
App: Little Bird Tales
Website: For more information on the app
Cost: $ 2.99 (50% off for 20+)
Rating by Jules: 5 star
Difficulty Level: PreK-6th Grade
Device: iPad
This is an amazing little app. It is perfect for 1st grade students but can also be used PreK-6th grade- depending on students abilities on the iPad. Our first graders produced some super cute little ebooks that they can easily share with parents via email. This very user friendly app and the kids love it! I am always truly amazed how fast the kids catch on. In this app, the kids can use their own pictures (by taking a photo with the iPad), create their own art (by drawing pictures that go along with their story) and use their voices by recording their own where they become the storyteller. If you link up to the Little Bird Tales website you will find Lessons linked to the common core standards for K-6th Grade. Also they have a link to public created tales for more ideas.

App: Cursive Writing HD
Cost:Free- Today 3/21/2014 $0.99 normally
Rating by Jules: 5 star
Difficulty Level: PreK-3rd grade
Device: iPad
Our kids in the K,1,2, 3 grades love this app. I paid $0.99 per copy when I purchased it last fall. Today you can get it for free! It is great in that it shows the order of the strokes for creating the perfect cursive letter. It also provides the lines just like if you were using lined paper. Great free app for today!
App: Handwriting without Tears
Cost: 6.99- Well worth the Money!
Rating by Jules~ 4.5 Star
Rating by Jules~ 4.5 Star
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Device: iPad
Rated: 3-7 years
This is an app review for one of the favorite apps from our K-1 building. Handwriting without tears is a favorite because it offers various options for "play". The app shows the kids where to start each stroke and will give them hints for the second time they do the letter and on the third time they start without a hint. There are voice, music and special effects options. Downside of the app is it only offers uppercase letters, but overall it a great app!
App: Ollie's Handwriting
Cost: FREE
Rating by Jules~ 4.5 Star
Rating by Jules~ 4.5 Star
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Device: iPad
Rated: 3-7 years
Ollie’s Handwriting and Phonics +++
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