Thursday, December 11, 2014

M-Step Sample is available for online evaluation

The new M-Step sample questions are out for educators, parents and students to checkout.  This is a sophisticated online test that takes place of the age old MEAP assessment in Michigan.  Questions are designed in the "smarter balanced"  design.  Recently, I administered a similar math interim assessment for Kindergarten and 1st grade students.  Let me just say that the first day of administration was not as successful as the second day.   Students were somewhat clueless how answer each of the uniquely designed questions.  Day two of the assessment was completely different, they knew what to expect and how to answer the uniquely designed questions.

So, how are we going to prepare out students for these assessments?  Two recommendations I can offer #1. have teachers start prepping students now (add the URL to your school website for easy access) with the sample online test (or search for online assessments with smarter balanced questions) and #2. make sure the students (and teachers) have more than enough time allotted to slowly go through sample questions in the student tutorial.

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