Thursday, May 22, 2014

Create an Edmodo account for your class!

Website: Edmodo
App:  Edmodo
Cost:  FREE 
Difficulty Level: Easy-Medium (depends on what you use)
Device: PC/Mac/iPad
Level- 2nd-12th grades

Happy end of the school year!  Teachers, are you looking for something to do this summer?  Join the bandwagon and create an Edmodo account for next year's class.  What is Edmodo?  It is when  students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips. 

Over the past two years, I have helped several teachers within my school district join Edmodo.  Our Jr. High has achieved every teacher joining Edmodo.  What does this mean?  When students login to their Edmodo account, the teacher can send out reminders for homework, tests, field trips or just about anything they want their students to know.  It is awesome when numerous teachers register in the Jr. High and High School.  Students are then able to see all teacher's homework, reminders, etc within their one Edmodo login.  Teachers can upload files (homework, field trip notes, etc) and students can submit homework assignments and take tests and/or quizzes.  Edmodo has endless possibilities. 

I could go on and on about the wonderful uses of Edmodo.  Check out the "How to" video above.  It is very user friendly.  I currently have children in 4th and 3rd grade.  They are always grabbing my phone to check grades from Powerschool.  I can only imagine how great it would be if they could check the Edmodo app (or login to our computer) about reminders from their teachers.

Come on teachers- give it a try!  Your students will be so excited and you will be surprised how it will help you!

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