Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tired of those Ads popping up - Especially for Teachers! I ran some tests- it blocks ads about 90% of the Time!

Chrome App:  Adblock for Youtube
Cost:  Free -
Special Note: You need to be in the Chrome Browser and have a login for google
What:  Automatically filters Ads out
Level- All
Teachers- Do you want to able to show videos without those annoying ads popping up in the beginning of the videos?  Adblock will do the trick!  You need to make sure you are in Chrome and have a Chrome login.  Visit the Link above to add as an extension to your chrome browser and viola!  You don't need to do anything else.  When you visit youtube and open a video to view, you will notice a not at the bottom right saying "cleaned by Adblocker" . I ran a test on several videos with huge viewing numbers and the majority of the time the ads were blocked.  I came across 1 or 2 that didn't block.  Always look for the message on the bottom right for the "cleaned" message.    Also, don't forget about Quietube to get rid of all the junk on the screen.

Monday, March 2, 2015

YouTube Kids Great for Kids 10 and under- Free App

App:  You Tube Kids
Cost:  Free for iOS and Android
Age appropriate videos
Level- Pre K -3rd grade
Finally, youtube has created a safe place for kids to explore.  All videos are kid appropriate.  It has a link to tv shows for kids, a kids radio and an educational/learning link.  This will put parents minds at ease know their kids won't be coming across inappropriate videos.  This is also a great because it gives the parents the option to set a timer on how long children can use the app.