Thursday, May 15, 2014

Watching Youtube Videos in the classroom - without all the extra videos/ads on the side

Website: Quiet Tube
Cost of App: FREE
Rating by Jules: 5 star
Difficulty Level: Easy
Device: PC/Mac
Recommended Browser:  Chrome

If you use youtube videos in your classroom and are nervous about what may appear on the side or below your intended video, then quietube is an awesome option.  What I love about it is that you can drag the extension up to your bookmarks bar and have it readily available when you open youtube.  You don't have to copy and paste your URL to another site.  Just simply go to youtube, find your video and click on quietube.  It will eliminate all videos and adds on the sides and bottom.  It will however leave one advertisement at the bottom of the initial screen.  One the video is made to full screen, the ad disappears.   

Other youtube viewing options include:  ViewPure , Safe Share TV (makes you generate a link),

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