Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Google Newspaper Archive - Great Resource for looking up historical events and/or historical people

Rating by Jules: 5 star
Difficulty Level: All
Device: All
Rated:  Everyone

I love this site.  It is a great way to search old newspapers online for historical information.   There are hundreds of resources and the search gives the user real scanned copies of original prints of newspapers when the story was printed.  I was even able to look up my high school career athletic highlights from my local paper!  Give it a try - you won't be disappointed.

Downloadable Contract for "being smart online" - for Kids, Teen, & Parents

What:  Family Contract for Online Safety
Website:  http://www.safekids.com/contract.htm
Cost:  Free
Level:  All
There are pdf downloads for a contract for a Parent, Child and Teen about their pledge for being smart online.  I had my children read through the pledge and sign it.  It now hangs on our bulletin board as a reminder for the pledge they took with our family.